We have all heard the warnings and scam artists who try to take advantage of our better natures by getting us to donate money to a charitable cause. Sadly, these are true stories and they are especially prevalent in the wake of disasters when our hearts are open and  when people are most in need.

In the wake of the most significant tragedies, for example the earthquake and tsunami in Japan last year, major media outlets are always reminding us about potential scams and bona fide relief agencies are providing constant information to help guide us through the process of helping. Corporations even help by establishing donation processes during these times of crisis.

Make no mistake, the scammers are still there, but willing donors can more easily find valid places to give their money.

When the immediacy of a tragedy fades, the focus on guiding donors to reliable and trustworthy charities fades just as quickly.

Beyond disaster aid, there is a tremendous need in the world for charitable giving to help with everything from the research on disease to providing basic human needs in poor communities. These needs are constant and matching potential donors to worthy causes has long been a challenge. Many people admit that they could and would give more if they had more confidence in the system and had confidence that their donations were going to charities that were committed to working their goals and not just raising money.

We can all understand those feelings. You want to help cancer researchers discover cures and treatments, you don’t want to pour money into fundraising machines.

The digital world and social media may help resolve some of those issues. By wedding quality research on charities so people with minimal effort can identify those that they want to support and making it easier for people to give money with confidence, everyone benefits from the giver to the person who needs the help.

If you are looking for ideas or ways to help, contact us. We believe everyone has the capacity and the desire to help and we want to help them fulfill their social responsibility.